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Category Archives: Fireworks Laws
West Virginia Firework Laws
House bill 2852, or the fireworks bill has passed and changed the West Virginia firework laws making the sale of fireworks that are normally sold in Ohio and Kentucky now legal in West Virginia.
The state law legalizing the sale of additional fireworks takes effect Wednesday and revamps West Virginia Firework Laws, for the better for firework enthusiasts.
The bill, which unanimously passed the Senate and House of Delegates, aims to raise money for veterans and volunteer fire departments, but Mike Shank said some fireworks should be controlled by professionals.
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Iowa Consumer Firework Approval Fizzling?
Iowa Fireworks Laws:
Not the best of news for Americans wanting to celebrate their independence with fireworks, not legally anyway.
DES MOINES — As far as Iowa Fireworks Laws a proposal to legalize home fireworks displays in Iowa failed to launch Wednesday at the Iowa Capitol, and a key state lawmaker said the legislation is likely grounded this year.
A Senate committee Wednesday shelved a proposal to allow Iowa residents to display some consumer-grade fireworks around the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve.
Sen. Bill Dotzler, D-Waterloo, said there was not enough support from lawmakers to advance the proposal.
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Fireworks friendly States, GA and PA looking to make changes.
Fireworks friendly States, GA and PA
Legal Fireworks: 
Fireworks friendly States, GA and PA both have bills pushing to change the fireworks friendliness of their laws. GA is looking to further restrict their recent legalization, by cutting back on “legal” times fireworks can be shot and by giving local governments more control on legality. The current law allowing fireworks to be set off until 2 a.m. around the New Year’s Day and the Fourth of July holidays would be revised to set a midnight fireworks curfew July 3-4 and Jan. 1. Georgians would be allowed to set off fireworks on New Year’s Eve until 1 a.m. Jan. 1. And, the midnight fireworks cutoff time for the rest of the year would be moved up to 10 p.m. Any times outside those specifically mentioned in the bill would be handled by local authorities.
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Some Fireworks Now Legal In New York State!!
Around fireworks circles, New York State was always considered to be the last state that would consider legalizing fireworks. Some said fireworks would be legal in New York when pigs fly! Well watch for flying pigs because Governor Andrew Cuomo has just signed a bill into law late Friday that will make small novelty fireworks, including sparklers into legal on June 1st 2015.
The law does not allow any fireworks in New York City. However, outside the city, sales of fireworks will be allowed from June 1 through July 5 and then again from Dec. 26 through Jan. 2 of each year.
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New Georgia Fireworks Law – Fireworks Sales Now Legal In Georgia
US Fireworks can now ship all fireworks to Georgia! House Bill 110 legalized the sale of consumer fireworks in Georgia so US Fireworks can now ship all products found on our website to GA.
Governor Nathan Deal signed the bill legalizing the sale of fireworks in Georgia. The new Georgia Fireworks Law makes all fireworks legal. The bill was sponsored by Representative Jay Roberts, R-Ocilla. It looked like it was dead at the end of the legislative session. But Senator Tyler Harper, R-Ocilla, revived the bill and made several changes that satisfied opponents. The bill was then singed into law.
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Maine jumps on the bandwagon!
Maine is the latest U.S. State to legalize fireworks in a trend that seems to be contagious lately. The list of states where fireworks are completely illegal is now very few, and dwindling. While it isn’t yet clear as to exactly what will be allowed in Maine it seems they will model their regulations off of neighboring New Hampshires laws, allowing most approved consumer fireworks with a few exceptions such as rockets. As soon as we get clarification we will update this post. More than one retailer has already made public their plans to open several locations in the state bringing in tax revenues currently lost to New Hampshire…congratulations Maine!
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Fireworks ban due to a disaster declaration!!
We want to hear your opinion!!! Is the fireworks ban an over-reaction or the right thing to do?
Fireworks vendors only get to sell for a few weeks each year, will these bans put them out of business forever?
Should fireworks vendors be compensated by the county for loss of their livelihood?
We want to hear from you!! PLEASE COMMENT!
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First Fireworks in Salina in 46 years!!
SALINA, Kan. – Salina residents are able to buy fireworks within city limits for the first time in 46 years, but they might have trouble finding them for the Fourth of July holiday because so few vendors have sought permits to sell the explosive pyrotechnic devices. The city has issued only six permits to people wanting to sell fireworks, The Salina Journal reported Friday. The city voted earlier this year to allow the selling of fireworks within city limits from June 27 to July 4. Operators say the city’s zoning regulations and store owners who don’t want the stands on their properties have contributed to the small number of sellers. “The number is lower than I expected,” said Ed Winebrenner, operator of Crazy Ed’s Fireworks. “I had expected 10 to 12 to set up.” The city requires fireworks tents to be on properties zoned for shopping centers or larger commercial sites, be 300 feet from residential housing and have enough parking. The zoning laws were designed to allow stands to have open space to sell, said Dean Andrew, Salina’s planning and zoning administrator. Salina Fire Marshal Roger Williams said some applicants had told him that many of the big-box stores were not allowing stands in front of their stores. “No one was turned away by the city,” Williams said. “Whether spaces were available or not, I don’t know.” “Everyplace down south of Cloud Street we talked to said ‘no,'” Winebrenner said. “Lowe’s, Central Mall and others all said, ‘No, we don’t want it.'” The city’s fees for fireworks stands might be keeping smaller tent owners out of the city, Winebrenner said. An operator in Salina must pay a nonrefundable $500 application fee and $2,000 base fee for a tent of up to 1,500 square feet. Operators pay $2.50 per square foot for the square footage of tents more than 1,500 square feet. The operator of a 2,000-square-foot tent, for example, would pay a total of $3,750. Tents larger than 2,400 square feet are not allowed. That’s much higher than the $1,000 flat fee charged in Saline County, but the city has attracted twice as many fireworks stands as the county. Saline County has approved three fireworks sales permits for this year. Winebrenner said he moved his stand to the city because of its larger population and distance people had to drive into the county. He is going to operate another stand in Assaria. “I expect I will do a lot better than last year in the county and the larger fee will pay off for me,” Winebrenner said. “It just made sense for us to put our stand in the city.” Smith, operator of K&J Crackerworks, said her Salina stand is her first in Saline County. In the past, she hasn’t been charged a fee to operate a fireworks stand. “We were happy to hear Salina legalized fireworks,” Smith said. “We are excited to see how the year pans out.” Information from: The Salina Journal, http://www.salina.com Read more: http://www.kansas.com/2011/06/17/1896509/first-fireworks-in-decades-in.html#ixzz1PYdrGluZ
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Kentucky Fireworks Law! – Pro fireworks law passes
Congratulations on the newly passed Kentucky Fireworks Law!
Senate has passed house bill 333 with a WHOPPING 30-4 vote! Add Kentucky to the list of states one step closer to getting some freedom back! As a side note we have been watching Arizona fireworks since they opened up to safe n sane last December, sales have been “Explosive” and incidents few…other than a few small fires things have gone relatively well.
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More states move to legalize fireworks
Good news in the USA!
It’s looking better and better for firework enthusiasts in more states as legislators are pushing bills to legalize fireworks, at least at some level! Fireworks are responsible for some of the fondest memories for many of us from our youth, and today in the United States millions of Americans do not have the freedom to even light a sparkler to celebrate our Nations Birthday, much less fireworks for a wedding, birthday party, graduation or any other celebration…robbing them of some of the memories we take for granted in MOST states.
In the USA New Years eve and Memorial day are second and third behind the 4th of July in holidays celebrated with fireworks, and they are becoming more and more and more popular at weddings, graduations and retirement parties. Organizations like the National Council on Fireworks Safety and the National Fireworks Association are working hard to make sure fireworks are given a fair rap and fighting for re legalization of what once all states were free to enjoy.
Im most recent times Indiana firework lovers were given back full statewide use of aerial fireworks, and business is booming as well as the states tax benefits. Arizona is the most recent to follow the trend, with safe n sane fireworks becoming legal for sale again as of December 1st 2010. I talked to friends in Arizona that said “It was just a good feeling to drive through town and see the tents, it felt like something had been given back to us”
As of this writing, Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Island are all considering legalization at some level, even if only safe n sane it’s a good start! Even NY has a group working to get a bill on the table. With our low cost firework delivery service we’re certainly rooting for the day when every US citizen has the choice to once again smell the smoke! If your one of the fortunate ones living in one of the many legal states we hope you’ll browse our site and consider a purchase so we can continue to support the organizations fighting for legalization in every state…the way it used to be as depicted in the image below from the Saturday evening post in the 1950’s
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