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Fireworks of the Future?
Are drones the fireworks of the future?
The folks at Intel have pulled off something pretty amazing, but we don’t think it will replace fireworks any time soon and certainly isn’t the fireworks of the future but still pretty cool!. They launched 100 drones simultaneously computer programmed to pattern and light the sky in synch with Beethoven’s 5th for a dramatic scene never before attempted.
While there are some serious similarities in the set up to make this happen such as the choreography and software create to make it happen, we still think fireworks are much more entertaining for the masses.
Posted in Fireworks Contest, Fireworks Display
Tagged drone fireworks, fireworks displays, fireworks of the future
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Giant Homemade Fireworks Wheel
Have you ever wanted to watch a huge homemade spinning wheel shoot off a massive amount of rocket fireworks?
To celebrate reaching 2 million subscribers on YouTube, DIY inventor Colin Furze crafted this intricate set up on the back of his pickup truck. The video is a flurry of bright explosions, loud music and celebrating, and comes only eight months after his 1 million subscribers celebration video where he set off 300 fireworks straight into the air from the back of his truck. In his latest video, he lights 120 rockets starting from the inside of the wheel and moving to the outside, and isn’t afraid to get close!
Posted in Fireworks Contest, Fireworks Display
Tagged Fireworks Contest, Fireworks Display, Holiday
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Fireworks for Gender Reveal Party
Fireworks for Gender Reveal Parties – It’s all the rage 

Expecting couples everywhere are finding creative ways to let family and friends know what’s in the oven. I experienced this personally a couple months ago while dropping my wife off (late) for a baby shower / gender reveal party.
As we drove down the street towards the house the sky suddenly lit up with fireworks! Now, I had never before wished I was at a baby shower but this sure made it interesting! My interest piqued, I walked up to find out who and why they were shooting fireworks at a baby shower?
Posted in Holiday Fireworks, Weddings
Tagged Gender Reveal, Holiday, Wedding Sparklers
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Huge Fireworks Balloons
Revelers around the world have just rang in the New Year. Many traditionally celebrate with fireworks or Sky Lanterns. However, in November of each year, revelers in Myanmar’s Shan State celebrate the end of the rainy season with a traditional holiday called the Tazaungdaing Festival of Lights.
On the week of the full moon this fireworks festival attracts thousands to Taunggyi city. But this festival features something special. “Firemasters” build huge fireworks balloons that are used to carry fireworks aloft.
This tradition, though dangerous, has been carried on for generations. The fireworks are often had crafted by the Firemasters who pass the tradition on from generation.
Posted in Fireworks Display, Holiday Fireworks
Tagged Fireworks, Holiday, sky lanterns
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