West Virginia Firework Laws


House bill 2852, or the fireworks bill has passed and changed the West Virginia firework laws making the sale of fireworks that are normally sold in Ohio and Kentucky now legal in West Virginia.

The state law legalizing the sale of additional fireworks takes effect Wednesday and revamps West Virginia Firework Laws, for the better for firework west virginia firework laws enthusiasts.

The bill, which unanimously passed the Senate and House of Delegates, aims to raise money for veterans and volunteer fire departments, but Mike Shank said some fireworks should be controlled by professionals.

Charleston’s fire captain expresses his concerns: (To be clear, 1.3 fireworks require special training, licensing and insurance are NOT available to the public!)  “Now the legalization of what we call 1.3 fireworks are on the same level as what we put out at (Appalachian) Power Park on fireworks nights,” Shank said. “A lot of these, you have to get right up on them with some type of match or ignition device, light them and try to get out of the way before it goes off.”

A 12 percent fireworks safety fee will be levied onto each sale, with proceeds benefiting the veterans facility and fire departments. Yet Shank isn’t sure the revenue is worth the dangers posed by allowing the public to handle stronger fireworks.

Read More: http://wvah.com/news/local/fireworks-could-soon-be-legal-in-west-virginia-sales-to-help-fund-va-hospitals


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