Summer Spark $200 Show!

Add a bang and sparkle to your summer events and celebrations!
We’ve got a variety of fireworks items that will light up your block parties, pool parties, BBQs, and more!

Check out this pre-picked $200 show!

2 Slime Blaster fountain 

1 Killer Bee fountain 

1 Loud Mouth fountain

4 25 shot Saturn Missile

1 Sparta 200g fireworks cake 

1 Ripper Zipper Fan 200g fireworks cake 

1 Monkey Wrench 200g fireworks cake 

1 Beastly 200g fireworks cake 

1 G-Shock 200g fireworks cake 

2 Comet Blast 200g fireworks cake 

1 Black Lightning 500g fireworks cake 

1 Samurai Warrior 500g fireworks cake 

You can also browse our catalog and create your own show! 😃
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