From time to time we have posted tips on how to shoot your own professional quality fireworks displays using high quality consumer fireworks. In fact, many times the consumer shows we see rival the pro’s! We are about to step that up and take you through a series of articles and videos to really propel you to another level. US Fireworks has made it as easy as possible for the entry level by offering pre-selected displays and including everything needed to get that display in the air…in your own backyard! The first two to be introduced to the market are The Block Buster Display and the Noisy Neighbor Display which contains the loudest legal fireworks we stock. Upon unpacking the cartons for set up you will find everything you need including precise instructions including how to fuse the show together and exactly how many inches apart the items should be joining the main fuse line. If you have never tried a one fuse display then you really need to take that first step so you can light that fuse then step back and enjoy the show with everyone else!
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