Arizona retailers looking to expand legal fireworks

Arizona-map-of Arizona could be the next state to expand their list of permissible fireworks.  Laws written in 2011 were left with some loopholes and businesses are working with the state and fire marshals offices to expand on what was mostly safe and sane fireworks  that could be legally sold including fountains, sparklers and smoke type devices commonly referred to as novelties.

Meetings are being held to demonstrate aerial type devices for approval with the proper authorities and if passed as expected would mean residents might be able to shoot items such as  firecrackers and multi tube devices, or “cakes” as they are commonly referred to in the industry.  Arizona fireworks laws were written with the verbiage that did not explicitly exclude them as long as the performance description did not include the words “report” which relates to the loud bursting in the sky.  If we become aware of any updates we will be sure to post!

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