Can M-88 Firecrackers cause an explosion? Learn More about M-88 Firecrackers and fireworks.
firecrackers and silver salutes (and M-150s,
M-1000, etc.) are not to be confused with M-80s. M-80s, Cherry Bombs, and
other large explosives were banned in the
USA in 1966 and sale or possession is
a serious crime.
The M-150’s
and other firecrackers and fireworks sold on this website are all in
compliance with US DOT and CPSC regulations and therefore the firecrackers contain
no more then 50 milligrams of powder. That
is not much, 50 milligrams = 0.002 Ounces. They are still great fun and make a nice bang, which is they are
designed to do.
Because of
the limited powder content, these devices will NOT cause an explosion. Even if bundled together, these devices will
not explode as one. They will not blow a hole in thick plastic or create a
fire. All fireworks manufactured or imported
into the
USA are now
certified to comply with all
laws and regulations and a quality control testing process backs up this
sold at are safer and more enjoyable then ever before. The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s own
data shows that while fireworks use has increased dramatically in recent years,
injuries for any given fireworks item are actually going down dramatically. See this Fireworks Injury Data
provided by the American Pyrotechnics Association.
are a true American tradition that dates right back to the founding of our
country. They are as American as apple
pie. We encourage all consumers to purchase
only from reliable fireworks suppliers and always use common sense and follow theseFireworks
Safety Tips when using fireworks. |